(Rockford, MN) – Joel Johnson, Director of The Coalition for a Secure Energy Future (The Coalition) is announcing a series of “Energy Champion” awards to a group of bipartisan Minnesota legislators. Recipients of the award have championed an all-of-the-above energy strategy for Minnesota to ensure that consumers and businesses have access to affordable and reliable electricity.
“The Coalition is proud to recognize the work of Representative Marion O’Neill (R-Maple Lake) who is dedicated to ensuring that hardworking Minnesota families have access to affordable and reliable electricity, “Johnson said. “Rep. O’Neill has been a leader to safeguard Minnesota’s baseload energy supply including coal, nuclear, and natural gas which keeps energy prices low and allows our region to be globally competitive.”
The award was presented to Rep. O’Neill by Joel Johnson, Director for the Coalition for a Secure Energy Future at the Wright Hennepin Electric Cooperative in Rockford.
Photo (Left to Right): Joel Johnson, Erick Heinz, Chair of the Wright Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association, Rep. Marion O’Neill, and Dale Jans, Secretary of the Wright Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association.